
Interpretation of sexy dreams: adultery means a feeling of insecurity!

Single or in a relationship, we all have sexy dreams at some point. But why does this happen and what exactly is this dream supposed to mean?

You've probably had a "taboo dream" that involves having sex with your best friend's partner or your partner's best friend. This might make you feel guilty, and it might lead you to start questioning how attracted you really are to this person.

However, you don't have to worry, because the probability that you are in love with this person or that you are attracted to them is really small, or your dreams don't want to tell you that. Frequent dreams with sexy content are simply an indication of your arousal or hope that you too would finally get some action! 🙂

The dream wants to tell you that you need "a little action".
The dream wants to tell you that you need "a little action".

Hormones so they play a very important role in this case. Women usually dream of aggressive relationships during their menstrual cycle, but after menstruation, most women feel more sensual and have an increased need for sex. Therefore, it is not surprising that women dream about sex and orgasms on those days.

The only dreams that come close in meaning to reality are dreams that involve your partner. Well, at least that's what the results say research. Dreams about your partner, whether good or bad, can be a reflection of the true state of your relationship. Thus, people who are satisfied with their relationship should dream about their partners nice dreams, while those who have relationships in crisis should dream somewhat more unpleasant dreams.

Here is the interpretation of some of your sexy dreams.


If you are cheating in a dream, this is a possible indicator of dissatisfaction with the relationship. If you dream that your partner is cheating on you, in reality you may feel insecure or jealous.

Sex with an ex

Don't panic, this dream doesn't mean you want to be with him again. Maybe you just haven't gotten over the breakup yet, or you fear that your current relationship is headed down the same path.

Having sex with your ex just means that you probably haven't quite gotten over it yet.
Having sex with your ex just means that you probably haven't quite gotten over it yet.

Homosexual experience

If you are not gay, then this dream may represent acceptance of your own personality traits. The attributes that adorn your same-sex dream partner may be the attributes that you desire yourself. The same applies to dreams where you have sex with a good friend. It just means that this person has certain qualities that you greatly admire!

Sex with the boss

No, this does not mean that you want hot adventures with the boss. This should represent that you are ready for more responsibilities at work and for a promotion.

Sex with a celebrity

Here, too, it's not about being attracted to some pop person. The real meaning of the dream is that somewhere inside you are convinced that you too have some talent or skill that makes you deserve to be a star yourself!

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