
Interview: Mark Zuckerberg in 2005 - barefoot and with a beer in hand

Mark Zuckerberg - 2005 interview

Mark Zuckerberg is one of the most recognizable people in the world today, but back in 2005, the father of Facebook was more than an unknown face outside of Harvard University. A lot has changed since then (if you don't take into account the set of clothes in his wardrobe, of course; then he didn't wear the famous gray crop top or black hoodie, so he was no more original in his choice than he is today). These days, Mark is no longer holding a beer in his hand (he is an exemplary father), Facebook is no longer just a "student directory" and the Facebook office is no longer so small. And if Facebook's last F8 conference gave us a glimpse into the future of the company, this fascinating interview gives us a glimpse into its past and early beginnings.

"Shall I put the beer down?" he asks the journalist at the beginning of the interview Mark Zuckerberg, barefoot, in a short suit and with a red glass of beer in his hand. Besides being fun to watch the alpha and omega of Facebook at a time when the social network was just Facebook web gnome and it was called TheFacebook.com, the interview offers us an insight into the then office of today one of the richest people in the world, which resembled more than business premises student room, in which, in addition to posters and graffiti (these can still be found in their office today, it is not known whether the poster of Brazgotinac, next to which Mark is sitting during the interview) was also a keg of beer (during the interview, the camera also captures drinking beer upside down, which is a "tradition" of American and Australian students).

Today's and former Facebook offices are not as different as they seem.
Today's and former Facebook offices are not as different as they seem.

In addition, we learn what Zuckerberg then prophesied to his newly aborted site, for which he did not predict such a bright future (Facebook called "student directory").

READ MORE: Facebook by the Numbers: Amazing Facebook Statistics

Mark Zuckerberg in 2005.
Mark Zuckerberg in 2005.

Today, Facebook has more than one and a half billion users, and even in 2005, only a handful of students counted them Harvard (Facebook was founded on February 4, 2004 in the city of Cambridge). However, the failed student of this faculty had already announced the expansion of the network to other faculties or campuses, including outside the country. Worth seeing!

Interview with Mark Zuckerberg in 2005:

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