
Intimate horoscope: what kind of partner do you need according to your astrological sign?

Photo: envato

Is he/she right for me? What does he want? What is he longing for? Does he like to talk? Is he looking for a serious relationship? Check!

Astrology and love are two words that are often associated in different areas of life.

With the help of astrology, we can find out whether we are compatible with our partner, how we will understand each other, whether there is a possibility of a long-term relationship.


This sign she has hot blood and enjoys seduction, but he doesn't like intruders. Enjoys spontaneity and flirting. If someone suits them, they will fall in love easily, but they must try to stay faithful. Aries are best suited for a person who will follow their pace and those who have the same energy as them. These are open people who do not hesitate to show their true face.


This sign longs for sensuality and tradition and lives for love. They have a refined taste, love elegant dinners and trips that awaken all their senses. Taurus will give their partner tenderness and love, but they expect the same from him. They need a person who is passionate and full of surprises. This part is very important to them and that is why they are looking for an excellent lover to seduce them.


Z fun and seductive Gemini is never boring. They are filled with constant, even stormy, thinking. They enjoy long conversations and socializing. Rather than going to the theater or the cinema, they go to their favorite cafe. They are attracted to a person who matches them. They will want friendship first, and then if love is born, it will be one that lasts. When it comes to sex, they long for a creative and curious person who can follow them and who wants to spend the rest of their lives with them.


He likes they care about others. They need a partner who will show them their love with small signs of attention. They yearn for a stable relationship and choose their partner carefully. They need a person who will connect with them on an emotional level as much as possible, and not people who want shallow relationships. They are attracted to partners who know how to start a pleasant and deep conversation and with whom they can share their deepest feelings.

With the right partner, happiness is an eternal companion. Photo: Andriyko Podilnyk / Unsplash


Dramatic and demonstrative people who they want to be adored and appreciated. When they get what they want, they respond with care and devotion. They expect nothing less than adoration from their partner, but that doesn't mean they will be selfish in the relationship. Leos need a partner who can follow their passionate and energetic side and who will trust them and can provide them with security and lots of love.

A virgin

There are people in this sign practical, flexible and reliable. They strive for perfection and the gradual development of a stable relationship. They have very high standards when choosing a partner. In the beginning, they like romantic gestures and appreciate the effort of their future partner. They are looking for someone who will sweep the ground under their feet, and if they fall in love, they are ready to give their partner many passionate moments.


No gesture is too small to win a heart eternal romantics – scales. Flowers, chocolate, love messages are not worn-out movie phrases for them, but a real form of seduction. Libra is attracted to style and people who know how to talk smart. They are the most romantic sign that longs for a partnership. They are flexible and ready for a long and quality relationship.


They are passionate and always they long for deep emotional connections. Their energy and mood swings can be challenging for a partner, but that is precisely why they are looking for a partner who is ready for anything in a relationship. When it comes to seduction, they are not easy to win. However, they will be attracted to people who are good with words and have emotional depth and are ready to give them the main say in the relationship.


This sign is attracted to adventurous, exotic, philosophical people who have open views on life. They want freedom and independence, and they expect the same from them. They enjoy surprises and independence. Any use of force or pressure will alienate them from a potential partner. They will be attracted to people who are secretive, yet willing to show their feelings.

Unconditional love! Photo: Cassie Lopez/Unsplash


This sign enjoys financial and emotional stability. They usually have a strong attitude towards life and the goals they want to achieve. They know what they want and how to get it. They want a passionate partner who has sophisticated taste. They are not gullible, and if they like a person, they are theirs. If not, they leave. They are looking for a partner who has sincere feelings, and when they find him, they are ready to give him everything.


They are persons who are always ready for new adventures and experiences both in life and in love. They are looking for a partner who has a clear attitude and great ideas that they are ready to implement. Aquarians are individuals who like their space and time to themselves. Their relationships usually start out as friendly, which means they need to bond with the person before starting something bigger and deeper.


People in this sign are real romantics and very emotional. They want a partner who will perfect them. A person they will trust. One that will be caring and stable and of honorable intentions. They love unconditionally and are ready to show it. Otherwise, they are shy and like to withdraw, but they expect the opposite from their partner. They are attracted to bold practical and straightforward people who will fill in their shortcomings and be everything they are not.

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