
iPhone X Tesla: prestige in the form of a phone

iPhone X Tesla

What do we get when we add some Tesla flair to the iPhone? iPhone X Tesla that will leave you speechless. What makes this phone so special?

Russian company Caviar has introduced a smartphone version iPhone X Tesla, which will be available in limited stock. It boasts a very high price tag of just 4 600 $, which translates to 3 904 €. The phone cover is coated with a layer carbon and of gold, but also contains its own solar panel.

At Caviar, they are known for products that attract attention with extreme prices. The CEO of Tesla was honored with a new version of the phone, Elon Musk, which strives to implement renewable energy sources. Believe it or not - the battery can be charged both with solar energy, as well as with the light emitted by lights.

It will be produced in total 999 phones. The creators expect that the iPhone X Tesla will most inspire astronauts, innovators and people who dare to break the limits of human performance. The prestigious device can be ordered here.

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