
IRL: Glasses that block ads

IRL: Glasses that block ads

IRL glasses look like sunglasses, and indeed they can be used for that purpose, but their power also lies in blocking out the ads that are bombarded with them via LCD or LED advertising screens.

Wherever we are, online or in real life, they are lurking around us, waiting for the moment they can play us an ad. Otherwise, the problem is not as pronounced here as in some other capitals, but they are still there glasses IRL force an interesting piece of technology, and the idea is quite simple.

The light of LCD screens is polarized due to the way they work, so if we place a piece of glass with the opposite polarization in front of our eyes, we can't see what's on the screen. But we see almost everything else, because natural light is not polarized in just one direction. This also applies to some other types of screens, among others OLED, which have better smartphones, whose "pictures" glasses therefore they don't darken. However, in order to be useful as sunglasses, the lenses are marked with the UV400 mark, which means that completely retain ultraviolet A and B light waves.
The glasses are IRL classic square shape, which means that they fit most faces, but the overall aesthetic is still somewhat reminiscent of the 80s of the last century.

In principle, IRL glasses will suit every face shape.
In principle, IRL glasses will suit every face shape.

Although the glasses block LCD and LED screens for now, manufacturers are working hard to expand the capabilities of their glasses. The goal is to made glasses that will block all types of screens, and thus enabled the customer to see only traditional advertising. Funds for the glasses are currently being collected on the platform Kickstarter, where you can get your pair for as little as US$49, converted just under 43 euros.

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