Studio Marvel presents the third adventure of Tony Stark, an eccentric billionaire and inventor who hides his other self behind metal armor and a shapeless mask under the name of Iron Man. This time, the stormy and caustic superhero has to face an opponent who has uncompromisingly destroyed his private world. Tony thus embarks on…
Studio Marvel presents the third adventure of Tony Stark, an eccentric billionaire and inventor who hides his other self behind metal armor and a shapeless mask under the name of Iron Man. This time, the stormy and caustic superhero has to face an opponent who has uncompromisingly destroyed his private world. Tony thus embarks on an epic journey in search of the culprits, full of surprising twists and turns, where his courage is put to the test at every step, and when he feels that there is no way out, he must rely solely on his skills and inventions if he wants to survive , to the ingenuity and instinct to protect those closest to him. When he fights hard and stubbornly to get back everything that was taken from him, he discovers the answer to the question that has always haunted him in his subconscious: is it the man who makes the clothes, or on the contrary, it is the clothes that make the man.