
Iron Man is real! Robert Downey Jr. is on a mission to clean up our planet in 10 years

Who says Iron Man doesn't exist? Robert Downey Jr. with his actions, he proves that he portrays the famous character not only in the film, but also in real life.

With Earth's current state, it seems that only a Marvel superhero can solve the environmental crisis - and that's why he's coming to the rescue Robert Downey Jr., which we know from the role Tony Stark respectively Iron Man.

Iron Man comes to the rescue!
Iron Man comes to the rescue!

Robert Downey Jr. has announced that he will start an organization in the next year Footprint Coalition, whose goal is clean up the entire planet in the next 10 years using artificial intelligence. He shared the news with the public during his speech at the conference Amazon Re: Mars, whose red thread is advanced technology.

Can Robert Downey Jr. manage to save the world?
Can Robert Downey Jr. manage to save the world?

He has not yet revealed the details of how the project will work, but he emphasized that he will seek help in the implementation of the project from various branches of technology, such as robotics and nanotechnology.
At the same time, he repented, as he realizes that he himself contributed to a crisis of global proportions, but at the same time promised that he will pay for his actions in the future.

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