
The irresistibly adorable DVF holiday collection

Diane von Furstenberg, in collaboration with Harley Viera-Newton, writes a unique fashion story inspired by, you won't believe, a real black cat.

Ad special DVF holiday collections take us to the modern Breakfast at Tiffany's with New York's newest DJ star Harley Viera-Newton. The inspiration for the headphones with an attached mp3 player, which offers 70 minutes of continuous music and a perfect clutch bag decorated with gold embroidery, was ignited by Harley's beloved cat Marmite. The black beauty also appears in the ad, where we can watch the charming events at the Christmas party through her eyes.

Cats have long been an inspiration in the fashion industry, such as Lagerfeld's favorite Choupette. Diane von Furstenberg explains that there is something mysteriously sexy about cats that attracts fashionistas irresistibly. Now it's completely clear why it's so hard to resist the new DVF ♥ HVN collection, which is already waiting for you to catch.

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DVF ♥ HVN Circle Fetish Cat Clutch, 395 $
DVF ♥ HVN Cat Headphones, 95 $

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