
Is the Apple Watch a disappointment?

Apple also introduced the Apple Watch yesterday, without the i accessory. And as it looks, even without the dot on the i, because the Apple Watch is just an expensive fashion accessory that can only work in combination with the parent device. So iPhone 5, 5S and 6.

It seems that Apple yesterday impressed its biggest followers, but severely disappointed the professional public with the presentation of its first smart watches. Only this one, according to many, did not meet the expectations of the public, mainly due to the fact that Samsung presented a few days ago Samsung Gear S, which is different from Apple Watch completely independent communication unit.

Apple Watch only usable with iPhone

Apple Watch only owners of newer generations will be able to use it iPhone, as most of its functions are tied to the mother device. This represents a significant technological degradation of a product from which much more was expected from the very start. The competition is making huge strides in this area, as evidenced by the products Samsung, like other competitors, such as Motorola and LG and some smaller wearable device manufacturers.

Seductive? Only for the biggest geeks!
Seductive? Only for the biggest geeks!

Design - not really

We have to admit that the Apple Watch is not a pretty product. At best, you can mark as interesting, and in everyday use extremely useless. Despite the multitude of technological details, which are revolutionary especially for technologists, the design does not convince the ordinary user. Despite the draft 34 versions of the Apple Watch, but the base itself and its framework are too technological to be fashionable.

Many open questions

The presentation, among other things, left them open many open questions. One of the decisive factors is, of course, whether it will be Apple Watch waterproof. The presentation itself did not answer this question, and it is the key question that will determine the success of this product. After all, from a product that costs from 349 dollars he actually expects that. Details about battery performance and charging time are also not known.

The stock market reacted negatively

It is interesting that we are not the only ones of this opinion, as the stock market indices, where it is, also reacted negatively APPL yesterday completed business with -0.38% falls share value. A detailed review of the trading process shows that the biggest drop in the index was recorded at the moment of the presentation Apple Watch.

(Too) high expectations, but the customers will judge

Apple left a tepid response at yesterday's launch and left out its surprise factor, which was so characteristic of this society. Taking a detailed look at the iWatch it seems that this kind of product Steve Jobs I would never present it in this kind of performance. The new generation is also somewhat disappointing iPhone 6, which is not as revolutionary as it seems at first glance. In the end, the evaluation of success will be shared by customers, who are the only final measure of the success of Apple's innovations.

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Apple Watch

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