
Is coffee healthy? And the rest of the coffee myths you don't have to believe!

The eternal debate that seems to have no end in sight is the debate over whether coffee is good for your health. That's also why we checked the different opinions of experts and did the research for you!

Those who drink every day coffee - even up to an incredible five cups a day, you can smile knowing that you are reducing the possibility of cardiovascular and neurological diseases and preventing type 2 diabetes. Even suicidal thoughts are said to be banished with coffee.

In an observational study involving approx 20,000 individuals, had people who consumed at least four cups of coffee a day, a 64 percent lower risk of early death compared to those who never or rarely drank coffee.

Risk reduction was more important when people turned 45 years old, which suggests that it might be more useful to enjoy coffee, as we age.

Coffee has also been shown to reduce the risk of many diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, liver disease, colon and rectal cancer, Alzheimer's disease and skin cancer.

Joe DeRupo
"Coffee is loaded with antioxidants," said Joe DeRupo, a spokesman for the National Coffee Association. "There are many natural antioxidants found in coffee beans, while others are created during roasting. It is precisely these compounds that science associates with positive effects in reducing the risk of several diseases."

Certain compounds commonly found in coffee "are associated with better insulin sensitivity, liver function and reduced chronic inflammation," said V. Wendy Setiawan, associate professor of preventive medicine at the Keck School of Medicine and lead author of one of the latest studies on coffee consumption and longevity.

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According to the results of research conducted at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health in Boston, bioactive components in coffee reduce insulin resistance. This does not mean that you should overdo it with coffee, but it is a move in a positive direction. Coffee has long been under fire and labeled with negative omens, so this research has finally helped us enjoy every sip guilt-free.

Coffee is healthy and full!
Coffee is healthy and full!

Coffee lovers don't have to worry about harming themselves with every cup of their favorite hot drink. On the contrary, you are even with her prolong life. While drinking coffee may seem beneficial to many, some people need to be careful! For example, pregnant women should limit their coffee intake and consult their doctor about drinking it. Coffee is also not recommended for many medical conditions.

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