
This is the astrological sign in which the most beautiful people are born!

Can "stars" also define beauty, among other things? Astrologers note that the most beautiful people are born in this celestial sign!

Astrologers note that they are the most beautiful people born under the sign of Libra, i.e. between September 23 and October 22 - it's Libra the seventh sign of the zodiac and is an air sign ruled by a planet Venus. And precisely because of the influence of Venus, people born in this period are said to have the most beautiful physiognomy.

Brigitte Bardot is also a Libra.
Brigitte Bardot was also a Libra.

Theirs the face is oval, attractive and correct, and the nose is short and smooth. It's lips fullseductive and slightly darker, eyes challenging and mysterious. Hair is mostly dark, lush and soft. They are very neat and elegant, as they give a lot to the first impression.

Are you among them? Check out which celebrities were born under the sign of Libra!

Gallery: celebrities born under the sign of Libra

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