
Did Filip Flisar really remain without a mustache? Only the Holy Ruler knows!

Filip Flisar

If Murat and Jose recorded the song Spredizadi 10 years later, one of their lines would probably read like this: "... that's what a knocker would be without his knocks, but what would Filip Flisar be without his moustache." ' But recently, the most popular Slovenian "mustache" scared us with a photo on a social network in which he was without his trademark. If it was April 1st, we'd know right away that it's a hoax, but since it's the middle of October, we're still in the dark. Is it an old photo or is it true that he lost the bet with the epilator? Only the Holy Ruler (for now) knows!

The equation dominates our memory Filip Flisar is the same as a mustache. In recent years, the world champion in cross-country skiing and a great entertainer has been accompanied everywhere by his mustache, in addition to his ski cream, he always had a "mustache cream" with him. He will obviously leave this at home from now on, because he probably lost his own because of the bet trademark. A little research led us to the conclusion that the Styrian freestyle skier landed on the bold challenges of Smooth Banking and in doing so bet as much as he could – on his own unique mustache.

Filip Flisar, what did you do with your mustache?
Filip Flisar, what did you do with your mustache?

A cute athlete who gets an adrenaline rush for breakfast, put his mustache on the line in as many as three tasks. He had to successfully solve them in a very short time, otherwise the unpleasant outcome of the bet would follow - the removal of the mustache. The role of his challenger was taken over by a robotic shaver, a barber without a heart and an epilator with German precision. As you will see, it is Philip already successfully passed that way robotic shaver challenge– he managed to open a free bank account online in less than 5 minutes – and the challenge with the barber, in which Filip set a savings goal in less than one minute in the Bank@Net mobile bank.

READ MORE: World Mustache Championships 2015: These are officially the best mustaches and beards in the world

Government services Smooth banking is more than perfect for Filip, just like ski slopes, but the finale is still waiting for him and the tension does not let up. Here is the last challenge, epilator challenge, who can't wait for Filip's time race with the services of Smooth Banking to fail. But Filip will not give up so easily here, just like on the snow surface, and we believe that he will not fail in the last challenge either and that the photo he shared with us is an old photo. But why did Flisko "pawn" his mustache, which should have been done earlier to be protected as a Carniolan sausage, but not to undercut the bet? Because of trust. Trusts in Smooth Banking Services. These are so quick and easy that Brko dared to stake his greatest pride on them. Just like the best freestyle skier, you can open yourself up personal account online in five minutes and you use other Smooth Banking services such as saver in the Bank@Net mobile bank (even with small amounts you save for travel, education or any other desire of yours), prepaid Visa (for quick and safe online purchases - you only spend as much as you have) and credits for adventures that can't wait for tomorrow. And no, you won't have to pledge anything!

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More about services Smooth banking you can find out on the website smoothly.svetavladar.si and on the Facebook page Holy Ruler, where you can also follow tense challenges with Filip.

More about Filip Flisar:

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