
Is it really necessary to wash a new garment before wearing it for the first time? Do you only wash your underwear and not the rest? Experts reveal surprising answers!

Do you wash new clothes before wearing them? Check if this is really necessary.

Photo: envato elements

You've bought a new piece of clothing, you're happy to bring it home and can't wait to wear it. But here comes the question - do you need to wash it before the first wear? Some say it's necessary, while others think it's an unnecessary step. Is it really necessary to wash a new garment before wearing it for the first time? What do the experts say? Let their answers surprise you!

Is it really necessary to wash a new garment before wearing it for the first time? Washing new clothes before wearing them for the first time seems like a perfectly logical practice - after all, the garment has gone through many manufacturing processes, packaging and store shelves. Perhaps several people have tried it before you. However, despite all these reasons, there are still individuals who do not wash their new clothes right away, especially when it comes to outerwear such as jackets, t-shirts and trousers. Is it just a matter of personal preference or is there really a risk in skipping this habit?

Why do some people always wash a new garment?

For those who always wash a new garment before wearing it for the first time, taking care of their health comes first. Experts warn that new clothes can contain a variety of chemicals that were used during production - from dyes to formaldehyde, which some manufacturers use to protect fabrics from mold and wrinkles. These chemicals can cause skin irritation, especially for those with sensitive skin or allergies.

In addition to chemicals, clothes can collect dust, bacteria and even fungus, especially if they have been tried on several times. Even if a garment looks perfectly clean, it does not mean that it is hygienic. Therefore, for many, washing is a necessary step that they do not want to skip.

Photo: envato elements

Does it matter if we don't wash the new clothes?

Interestingly, there are many people who claim to wear new clothes without washing them for years without having any problems. "I have never had problems with my skin and I have never noticed that new clothes cause any discomfort," says Maja, a 34-year-old fashion lover. Many people agree that as long as the garment does not come into direct contact with the most sensitive parts of the body, such as the skin, it probably does not pose much of a risk.

Even experts differ on this point of view. While some insist on washing, others say the risk is minimal, especially if you don't have sensitive skin. One major concern remains the potential presence of bacteria, but for most healthy people this should not pose a major threat. Is it really necessary to wash a new garment before wearing it for the first time?

What about underwear?

But this is where most people draw the line - underwear is a garment that should always be washed before the first wear. Clothing that comes into direct contact with the intimate parts of the body should be washed to remove any possible chemical and bacteria residues. Therefore, it is not surprising that even those who do not wash other clothes always take care of hygiene when it comes to underwear.

How to properly wash new clothes?

If you decide to wash new clothes, be careful when choosing a program. It is recommended to wash new clothes at lower temperatures, especially for delicate fabrics, as hot water can cause colors to fade or the material to shrink. Also, wash them separately from clothes that already contain stubborn stains, as new clothes can absorb the smell or color.

A final thought

Washing new clothes before the first wear is a habit that has its advantages, especially for those with sensitive skin or prone to allergies. Nevertheless, it is not a rule that everyone should follow blindly. If you have healthy skin and the thought of chemicals doesn't bother you too much, maybe you can skip some items and wear them straight from the store - but underwear? This is undoubtedly a story unto itself.

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