
Is masturbation really beneficial for health or not?

Masturbation is good for health.

Let a man or woman who does not masturbate come forward. Finding them is like finding a needle in a haystack. Research shows that 95 percent of men and 72 percent of women have masturbated in their lifetime. It's the same with masturbation as it is with coffee. On the one hand, we hear how good it is for our health, on the other hand, that it harms us. That it causes blindness and infertility. So can masturbation be beneficial for our health? Discover the truth.

Masturbation it is something natural, yet they stick to it many stigmas and myths. One theory says yes causes blindness, the other, that you can because of her the sexual organ falls off, the third, another one pulled by the hair, and yes you become infertile. Then there is the accusation that it is a sin. Maybe these methods of intimidation worked once, but today we can only laugh at them. The truth is far from that, because touching and playing with one's genitals is for pleasure (babies already do this) extremely healthy in fact.

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Masturbation has positive effects on our health.
Masturbation has positive effects on our health.

In men reduces the possibility of prostate cancer and the occurrence of depression and strengthens the immune system. Orgasm causes fireworks of endorphins, hormones of happiness, which results in an increase in the content of cortisol, a stress hormone that increases the body's resistance. In women relieves problems with insomnia, prevents urinary tract infection (urinary tract infections) and vaginal infections, has a positive effect on menstrual cramps, reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and strengthens the muscles of the pelvic floor. But the list of positive effects for both does not end here, it also reduces pain and lowers blood pressure. Orgasm relaxes the body by regulating hormones, reduces stress and tension, increases self-confidence and raises our pain threshold.

Masturbation has a very long list of positive effects and a very short list of negative ones.
Masturbation has a very long list of positive effects and a very short list of negative ones.

You cannot contract a sexually transmitted disease through masturbation, worry about what kind of lover or lover you are and you can't get pregnant with it, but at the same time it helps you get to know your own body. Women figure out what pleases them the most, and men can learn delay the time of discharge. Yes, masturbation can trigger feelings of guilt and shame and if it becomes an obsession or center of your world, you have a problem. But these are psychological, not physical in nature. You can find out more about the positive effects of masturbation in the educational video prepared by asapSCIENCE.

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