
Is the driver in the car? Uber is starting to use self-driving cars!

Uber's self-driving Volvo XC90.

Ride-sharing provider Uber will soon start transporting its customers with self-driving cars. In fact, it has included customized Volvo XC90 models in its fleet, which will receive the first customers before September. It is the first commercial attempt to use fully autonomous vehicles and this type of technology. And while Uber will already transport customers around the world without a driver, we are still waiting for its arrival in Slovenia. How much longer? Uber assures that it has us "on the fly".

Self-driving vehicles they are increasingly becoming a reality and not just some distant dream. They dictate the pace Google and Tesla, an American ride-sharing provider Uber but it is with the deployment of self-driving cars Volvo XC90 to your fleet (it is approx 100 reworked models) paved the way for the arrival of such vehicles in our everyday life and took a step forward towards perception drove without a driver as something completely normal.

Uber's self-driving Volvo XC90.
Uber's self-driving Volvo XC90

The first Volvo XC90 self-driving cars are expected to hit the streets of an American city Pittsburgh test drive already to the end August 2016. Passengers won't be notified in advance that a self-driving car is coming, so they will the first such transports are free. The driver's seat will not be empty, however, as he will be sitting there Uber engineer, which will intervene only in case of danger. Similar to bus drivers, with whom passengers are not supposed to communicate during the ride, Uber also wants you not to talk to the driver - he will take notes during the ride, and everything will be recorded both internally and externally cameras and sensors – as the aim is to get people used to self-driving cars, which should drastically reduce costs, as there will no longer be the cost of paying for human power.

READ MORE: Volvo says goodbye to keys in 2017! Phones instead!

As for the arrival Uber to Slovenia, the press office of the latter said some time ago: "Uber's ambitions are to be everywhere. We would like to be present in any advanced city that has a need for a safe, reliable and efficient transport system. We want to be there. Ljubljana and Maribor there are no exceptions. We are constantly studying all our options, including those in Slovenia."

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