
Is this friendship toxic? 8 signs you need to break it off

How to recognize a toxic friendship

Photo: Envato

The end of a friendship is undoubtedly one of the hardest things we face in life, so it's no surprise that you do everything you can to avoid it. But staying in a toxic and unfulfilling relationship will bring you more negativity than anything else. But how do you even know if it's better to end a friendship?

1. Your friend always comes first

We have all found ourselves in a situation where we put our problems on the sidelines to help a friend get through a bad period. But be careful: is it like this all the time? Your friend he only calls when he needs your advice, but when the roles are reversed, he's nowhere to be found? If so, then at all it is no longer friendship but exploitation and definitely a sign that the relationship has no future.

2. You get along better with your friend's family than you do with him

If the friendship has been going on for a long time, you most likely know your friend's family. The fact that you get along with them and like spending time together is definitely a good sign, but be careful. If you notice, yes you come to visit practically only because of your friend's family and force yourself to continue the relationship, so as not to offend them, this indicates that you no longer want the friendship. Continuing a relationship just to avoid disappointing others is harmful to you in the long run and it's time to put yourself first.

Photo: Fauxels / Pixabay

3. A friend insults you under the pretext of a joke

The relationships we have with people are different. Someone is happy to joke with their friends about themselves, while someone else would be hurt by a similar statement. That is why it is very important communication. A friend may not know that certain "jokes" can offend you, so you need to make it clear to him and if the friendship is real, the person will respected your boundaries and apologized. But if "friend" he continues to make certain statements even though he knows they make you feel bad, this is a sign that your feelings are clearly not as important to him as they should be in a friendship.

4. Your friend is not happy about your successes

Experiencing success is the most beautiful thing, be it in the personal or career field, but it is even more beautiful to share the good news with those closest to you. Here, however, you need to pay attention to whether your friend is happy with you or reacts completely differently. Does it look like it your enthusiasm puts you in a bad mood? He may behave as if your success is nothing worth celebrating and that you were just lucky? Or he immediately turns the subject to himself and his achievements or even give you the feeling that you should feel guilty for your happiness? If you answered yes to any of the questions, it's time to consider whether it's worth persisting in such a relationship.

5. You are constantly making excuses

Photo: Lehandross / Pexels

When we love a person, we sometimes get carried away and look for an excuse for their behavior. If you identify with this, it's best to take a step back and look at the relationship from a realistic perspective. No one has the right to be abusive towards you and you hurt again and again. If you justify the constant disappointments by saying that the friendship has been going on for a long time, that you have been through a lot together, that the person may not understand that their behavior hurts you... realize that you deserve better and that none of these reasons are enough to stay in a relationship that affects you badly.

6. If we met now, we wouldn't be friends

It's no secret that we humans change. Even if you've been friends with someone since childhood, it would be unreasonable to expect that person to always be exactly the way they were when you first met them. But, they are in friendship similar values very important and if you have noticed that you and your friend no longer agree about them and that they are your views on the world are completely different, it could mean you've outgrown the relationship.

7. This friendship makes you tired

You feel complete after hanging out with a friend without energy and listless? This is definitely not a good sign. Remember, spending time with a loved one needs you to cheer up and fill with the will to live and not vice versa. Sometimes the best way to tell if a relationship has a future is to say yes we observe ourselves. And if we notice that we react to someone with more negative than positive emotions, this clearly shows that continuing the friendship is not wise.

Photo: Mikoto.raw / Pexels

8. You fight constantly

It sounds self-evident that it is best to end a friendship if there are constant misunderstandings in it, but many times we stay in such relationships. Yes, there can be conflict in any relationship, but what if this it keeps happening and things never get resolved, that's something else entirely. Remember, you can try endlessly, but if you're the only one doing it while your friend is just looking for reasons for drama, the relationship won't improve.

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