
Islamabad got its first (!) bike lane

Bike lanes are commonplace in the Western world. Not in Pakistan. The capital Islamabad just got its first bike lane! This is the first step towards a cleaner city, which, like many other capitals around the world, is drowning in smog.

While here we are dealing with where everything still needs to be done bicycle paths, they are in Islamabad just got their first. Yes, you read that right. This is the first step to the title green capital, which Pakistan's capital city wants.

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Celebrating the opening of the first cycle track in Islamabad.
Celebrating the opening of the first cycle track in Islamabad

The bike path is part of a plan they want to spread across the city cycling infrastructure and promote environmentally friendly means of transport. It is the first step on the way to a green city, explained the mayor Anser Aziz and added that they will also set up next to subway stops bike racks. Islamabad has recently adopted green policy of the United Nations and thus became the first city in the country and 101st in the world to strive for cleaner environment.

Gallery - highlights from the opening of the first bike lane in Islamabad:

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