
Terrible sweaters from the 80s that should never come back into fashion

Desperate 80s sweaters

With the cold weather, sweaters have returned to our lives. It's true that the 1980s gave us great music and movies, but when it came to sweaters, they nailed it. Check out these fashion disasters from the past that will make you laugh. Have you ever worn something similar yourself?

The eighties were the golden years of music and film. A little less for fashion, at least judging by the sweaters, but otherwise it is one of the most notable fashion periods. At that time, they dressed in quite a lot bulky sweaters, and it was customary to tie them up around the shoulders.

READ MORE: Ugliest Christmas Sweaters; so ugly they are already beautiful

Have you ever worn something similar?
Have you ever worn something similar?

All of you who are old enough know what we're talking about, but for those of you who missed that era, check out the gallery below to see how lucky you are to not have had to suffer like this a terrible fashion trend. Forget about hideous Christmas sweaters, these are just knitted disasters!

Terrible 1980s Sweaters That Should Never Come Back:

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