
THIS hurts more than adultery: this is how love dies!

Only a cheated woman knows how it feels and how it hurts. But one thing can hurt even more!

5:30 in the morning. The feeling of nervousness grows. You open your eyes, but a little mouse in your head is already gnawing at your nerves... Meetings, conferences, deadlines... Why do you have so much work and so little time?

You pick up your phone and check your e-mails, calls, messages. You go to the bathroom. You quickly get ready, pick up your keys and head out. You get in the car, call the people you need to, start your workday.

But you forgot something.

A woman remained in bed. You didn't look at her. You didn't stroke her, kiss her, wake her up... You were busy.

When the first wave of a busy day has passed, you will grab a coffee, pick up your phone and scroll through social networks. You will scroll through the news and events in the lives of your "friends". You won't remember her anymore, the woman you share your life with.

You will forget the woman you share your life with...
You will forget the woman you share your life with...

Modern attitudes lack common sense. People live together, but that doesn't mean anything. See you in the morning and see you in the evening. We exchange a few quick sentences and glances via our smartphone. If we "make love", we send each other a few virtual kisses during the day and that's how we've done with tenderness for today.

We are used to thinking that lying about a relationship is actually mandatory and normal. But the truth is that humans have stopped loving and caring for each other.

Of course, cheating or adultery is a very, very terrible thing. But have you ever thought that you actually cheat on your partner every day? Every day we lack communication, attention, passion, intimacy and even the most important – love. Lack of attention can do much more damage than sexual deception.

Just imagine: you finally found a person to love, but now you have to fight for his or her crumbs of attention.

You sit and watch her update her profile on the social network, read the comments, smile at the compliments she receives for her latest selfie... And you read Twitter, look at Instagram, other women, their seductive faces and figures, and almost more of your wife you can't see... Would you still recognize her in a crowd of other people?

Give love another chance! Today, the greatest gesture of love is to put down the phone and look our wife, our husband, in the face. We ask him/her: "How are you?"

Your loved one is all you have in life. Now is the time to show it to her! Show her how much you love her. Tomorrow may be too late.

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