
It is determined when the sale of new vehicles with gasoline and diesel engines will be prohibited

Only electric vehicles!

In California, lawmakers have passed a law that will permanently ban the sale of new vehicles with Co2 emissions. This means that only electric vehicles will be available.

They chose a date January 1, 2035, the date the vehicles will be banned from sale in the state of California diesel and gasoline engines, so only cars and trucks with zero emissions will be available in the showrooms.

The decision was announced by the governor Gavin News, and the goal is to reduce air pollution in America's most populous state. Smog pollution in Los Angeles namely, it is at an extremely high level and, despite considerable awareness, it is not falling.

California and the current US president are constantly in "conflict". The administration of Donald Trump recently relaxed emissions regulations, but California is tightening them.

The latest decision is a precedent, as California is the first US region, which abolished the sale of vehicles with internal combustion engines by law and was the first to set the date of this historic event.

With the legislation, they will redirect the mindset of California residents and prepare for the transition to green electric mobility.

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