
Italian restaurant and pizzeria Capriccio: top quality Italian pizzas from the hands of a pizza chef

The Italian restaurant and pizzeria Capriccio opens its doors in Ljubljana at Trubarjeva 52, where you can taste selected top-quality Italian pizzas. And at Cappricc (the name translates to caprice) they will do everything in their power to accommodate your whims. If you have them, of course. On opening day, Tuesday, October 16, there will also be a free pizza tasting between 12:00 and 18:00, which will be prepared by the picopek.

Basic information
Capriccio Ljubljana, Italian restaurant and pizzeria
Trubarjeva street 52
From Monday to Saturday from 11:00 to 23:00, closed on Sundays and holidays.
064 293 988

Stefano Rado, the owner Italian restaurants and Capriccio pizzerias, fell in love with the green capital of Slovenia on his first visit and decided to move here. But the Italian, who has two restaurants in Padova, was missed in the city authentic 'ristopizzo' with an Italian pizza master. That is why he invited Luca, a pizza baker with whom he has been working for more than 20 years, to participate, who will prepare for you top quality Italian pizzas. And also sealed pizzas (calzones) and rolled pizzas (Filoncino), and soon the offer will be supplemented with Italian home-made pasta and other dishes.

Pizzas will be prepared by a real pizza chef in an Italian restaurant and pizzeria.
Pizzas will be prepared by a real pizza chef in an Italian restaurant and pizzeria.

They are on the menu of Capriccio Italian restaurants and pizzerias for now appetizers and of course pizzas. These are classic, vegan, specialty pizzas, double dough pizzas, pizzas without tomato sauce, pizza dough rolls (Philoncini) and calzones. They also prepare pizzas for you from kamut and gluten-free flour.

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