
It's coming to some European airports...and we can't wait

We have great news for those of you who regularly use air travel. AirPod capsules will soon be available at various airports across Europe, which will make waiting for a flight no longer as painful as before.

Futuristic capsules look a bit unusual, but they serve a very special purpose. Their users will use them for rest. They are designed so that the passenger can be as comfortable as possible comfortably passed the time when his flight was several hours late.

AirPods at the same time, it also offers a number of other functions. It is enabled for the user free internet access and Amazon's Fire TV. We must not forget about workspace with charging ports, luggage storage space, ventilation and anti-stress technology. Quality seat, which is inside the AirPod, can be instantly transformed into the bed and thus surrender to rest.

AirPod hides a lot of interesting things inside.
AirPod hides a lot of interesting things inside.

Capsules are still in the phase for now testing. It is expected that we will see them at some European airports already this year. The project can be supported by technology blockchain. AirPod accepts donations in the form of cryptocurrency ethereum.

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