
It's really not easy with them: these are the two most stubborn astrological signs

They won't let up!

Who is forever stubborn and who gives in to the flow?

Everyone has their own habits and beliefs that they don't want to give up and that's perfectly fine. However, sometimes even the slightest deviation from this is considered a disaster, which already turns into obsession and a mild nervous breakdown. It is always necessary to find a balance in life, that is, not to give up what you really believe in, but at the same time not to exaggerate with some little things. Find out below who is the most stubborn among the astrological signs and who is the most relaxed!

Stubborn signs


Tauruses enjoy sensory experiences, but they need to know them. The emphasis is on making them feel comfortable, so e.g. they watch their favorite movie at least a hundred times or always order the same meal or drink. They like to plan how they will spend their free time, but they don't like to change their plans. The problem arises when they immerse themselves too much in some of their plans and beliefs, from which they do not want to deviate, because they feel safe and "wrapped in cotton wool". The solution may be to simply plan things with them, but don't expect too much flexibility.


In their eyes, life is a mountain to climb and they are determined to overcome every obstacle along the way. Although they are very self-critical, they trust themselves the most when making decisions and do not leave it to anyone. They set high, often impossible standards for themselves and others, and everything is connected to one big plan. They cover everything, from the smallest to the largest details, and they don't let anyone get in their way, even if it means they can be left alone. They are not unfriendly, but it is necessary to realize that they are not bored even when they are alone, so it is very difficult for them to succumb to the pressure of the environment when it comes to joint activities.


Adaptive signs


It is known that fish can adapt to any situation and thus fit into almost any society. People born under this sign do not insist on being the main decision maker, but listen to the opinions of others. They have empathy and can easily sense how someone is feeling, all with the desire to make others feel better. They are fulfilled when they help someone else feel better, but they also need time for themselves. Then they know what they want and what they like. But when in company, whether it's with known or unknown people, adaptation and adaptability are two key words that describe fish.


Curious and eager for new experiences, they are open to changing their opinions and beliefs if you present them with enough facts to do so. They don't usually stay put, and their dual nature pulls them in different directions, as it feels like two people are making decisions. Therefore, they can be grateful to others if they are saved from their dilemmas and end this eternal battle, at least for a short time. They are not tied to plans, spontaneity and the desire for adventure are more in their style.

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