
This is the most difficult position during sex: dare you try it?

This is the most difficult position during sex: dare you try it?

Life is meant to be enjoyed trying new things, but when it comes to the Kamasutra, exciting exploration often turns into an uncomfortable, anxiety-inducing situation. What is it about?

They are about the positive effects of sexual activity on a person many scientists wrote. But even this sweet pleasure can cause anxiety, according to researchers from the website Superdrug's Online Doctor did a survey in which they surveyed 1000 men and women and America and of Europe, to find out what the sexual preferences are between the sexes and which actions constrict them.

They found that the majority of participants thought it was their sex life exciting. Both men and women have no problem trying out new positions or using sex toys, they are much more comfortable with sex acts like “bondage", "S&M” or public intercourse.

Which position is the hardest?
Which position is the hardest?

On a scale from 5 to 1, respondents also had to explain, which action they find extremely comforting ... and so the researchers came to the results that jown sexual intercourse the most comforting (between 3.3 and 3.7), followed by BDSM and anal sex, while the least intimate oral sex (between 1.6 and 2.1).

The men surveyed confided that they adored anal intercourse (87.9 %), while women swear by the old school, and love it missionary position (66,7 %).

And which is the most difficult position?

Both genders rated it as the most difficult position upright 69. It is not even unusual, because a man needs strength to hold a woman, while she must be skillfulflexible and brave.

photo: Bad Girls Bible, Instagram
photo: Bad Girls Bible, Instagram
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