
This is the iPhone 12 coming in September

iPhone 12

The news about the new model of the most desired smartphone, the iPhone 12, was expected only in the first days of September. But we already have a little more information about what the new iPhone 12 will be like. Namely, Apple has had an unwelcome alienation of plans that fully reveal all the design features of the 12th generation of this popular product.

Although it should Apple only in the first days of September presented his the new iPhone 12 line of smartphones, but every manufacturer plans the design of a smartphone at least 6 months before actual production. This is the first time in a really long time Apple some internal documentation has been "leaked" that reveals what the smartphones will be like iPhone 12, which we will meet in physical form in the first days of September.

Retro is chic. This is also why we don't mind that the edges of the new iPhone 12 smartphone are so much iPhone 5s.
Retro is chic. This is also why we don't mind that the edges of the new iPhone 12 smartphone are so much iPhone 5s.

Retro edges: Apple goes "back to the future"

It seems that lately Apple reaches for its rich treasury of design solutions that have been used in the past and are slowly being brought back into the present. That's exactly what they did with the new iPhone SE smartphone, which, according to the editors, is one of the most interesting products of this year. And that's exactly what they do with the new one iPhone 12.

iPhone 12: in all likelihood, the form and dimensions of some popular models will be significantly changed. Especially MAX Pro will grow.
iPhone 12: in all likelihood, the form and dimensions of some popular models will be significantly changed. Especially MAX Pro will grow.

Renders that leaked Apple, are supposed to represent up to 70 percent accurately represented the design guidelines of the new iPhone 12 smartphone. Above all, the placement of the cameras and the size of the "notch" for the front sensors and camera are expected to change. Anyway, the rest of the details are said to be relatively accurate. But we definitely recognized these design features in some current products, such as iPad Pro with an extremely similar appearance with straight edges. Also new to us iPhone 12 somewhat reminiscent of the shape of the iPhone 5s.

Otherwise, we can understand some technical details from the "renderings". The screen is supposed to have significantly smaller frames and thus enable a larger surface area to cover the front surface. This is also why it is estimated that he will offer just 6.7” large screen. At the same time, the Pro Max model should also be slightly wider and larger than the existing model. The cutouts for the speaker, which has a changed appearance and will thus allow from 10 to 15 percent more volume.

The sensor war is more than obvious. Thus, the new iPhone will get an additional "eye", or sensor LIDAR. This is also why the final arrangement of the cameras is not yet known, or it may be different from the renderings shown.

iPhone 12: it is not yet clear what the camera layout will be. But the iPhone 12 will have an additional sensor.
iPhone 12: it is not yet clear what the camera layout will be. But the iPhone 12 will have an additional sensor.

iPhone 12 we will meet live only in a few months. And we believe that despite its relatively undisclosed form, something can still surprise us tremendously.

Gallery: iPhone 12

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