
This is the word of 2022

Photo: envato

Every year, the Oxford dictionary chooses the word of the year based on a public vote - that is, a word or phrase that should define or captured the spirit of the past year. This time, almost half a million people took part in the vote and as many as 93% chose the same phrase. We asked what the word of the year 2022 is and how the Oxford dictionary interprets its victory.

2022 can be described as the year when life slowly returned to normal tracks. Most people have replaced work from home with their own workday before the pandemic and slowly they disappeared too measures in the field of public life. And according to experts, this is precisely what influenced the convincing victory of the word in 2022: the goblin of fashion.

In 2022, our workday returned to its old tracks Photo: Fauxels / Pexels

What is goblin fashion?

Goblin of fashion is the English term for the type of behavior they accompany laziness and putting your own comfort first, whereby the person rejects social norms and expectations. In second place was the word metaverse (a term for shared spaces within virtual reality that people can fill with NFT digital parts), and on the third #IStandWith (an expression used by social network users to show that they support a certain person or company).

You may have already seen the phrase goblin fashion on Tik Tok and others social networks. With it, users show that they refuse to return to a productive lifestyle and culture of constant work, achievements goals for any price and showings only the best parts of his life.

Sometimes we feel best when we rest and are unproductive Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

How does the goblin of fashion manifest itself in our way of life?

Experts also associate the victory of the phrase goblin fashion with innovations in the field social networks, which we have seen this year. If it used to be that people only published those "perfect" moments of our lives, but this year we could see an increase in social networks, such as Bereal. On this platform, users post pictures of themselves and their everyday life, as it happens in reality, that is without filters and conversion, to make them look out of the box every second of the day.

We can also see more on social networks sincerity and acknowledgments that people feel overwhelmed and that sometimes they enjoy the most if they spend the day at rest. Experts consider this change to be remarkable welcome- this kind of publication by many people calm down and let him know he's not the only one who feels exhausted, but at the same time they give him "permission" to take care of yourself and does not put productivity before mental and physical health.

Dictionaries also determined the word of the year 2022 Collins and Cambridge. Collins dictionary users overwhelmingly voted for the word permacrisis (a period of instability and uncertainty), and users of the Cambridge Dictionary use the word homer (baseball term that people searched for the most because he featured in the the popular word game Wordle.)

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