
It's time to transplant your orchid: this trick will keep your orchid blooming all winter long

Photo: envato

Have you ever wondered when is the right time to transplant an orchid? How do you know it's time to give your orchid more room to grow?

Caring for orchids it's more than just occasional watering. It is important to know when is the right time to orchid transplant, so that your plant will be healthy and blooming.

If you want yours orchid is growing in full force, you need to pay attention to some key signs that indicate that it is time to change the environment and the soil.

When is it time to transplant an orchid?

If you notice that the roots hang from the bottom of the pot or go over the edge, it's time for a bigger pot. A pot that is too small limits the growth of the roots, which can negatively affect the growth of the orchid.

Photo: envato

Depleted substrate and lack of nutrients

Orchids grow in a substrate that wears out over time. If the substrate looks light and colorless, it means that there are no longer enough nutrients in it. A depleted substrate can no longer provide the necessary support for healthy orchid development.

How to properly transplant an orchid?

First, gently remove the orchid from its current pot, being careful not to damage the roots. Remove the old soil and cut off the dry parts of the plant, being careful not to damage the healthy parts. Then transplant the orchid into a larger pot with new soil that contains the necessary nutrients. After transplanting, water well to encourage the roots to adapt to the new environment.

Photo: envato


In addition to transplanting, fertilization is also important. Instead of artificial fertilizers, you can use a natural alternative such as fertilization with rice. Fry the rice in a pan, grind it into a powder and use it as a natural source of minerals for the orchid. Fertilize sparingly so as not to overload the plant with nutrients.

With proper transplanting, proper care of the root system and natural fertilization, you will provide the orchid with the best possible conditions for growth, which will lead to healthy and long-lasting flowering.

Remember that each orchid is unique, so that's key follow her specific needs for best results.

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