Photo: envato

I've had enough of your lies!

How long can you believe a lie before you know the truth? What happens when you realize that all the love you've ever felt was built on lies?

You wasted years of your life on him, but now you finally realize that in reality you don't even know who he is. Because of all his lies, you realized that the man you loved for many years didn't even exist in this image.

Have you ever seen his true face or all this time loved someone who was just an illusion?

The illusion of perfection

When you first met him, you thought he was perfect. He presented himself to you as a loving and caring man who would move the world for you. At first you didn't trust him, but he persisted and convinced you that he was the one. He claimed that he is different from all other men and that you can trust him. His actions seemed to match his words.

He was the one who gave you more attention and love than you had ever experienced before. Although you didn't want to open your heart right away, he was steadfast in his efforts. He was always by your side, ready to listen to your problems and help you.

Photo: envato

The first doubts

Over time, you began to rely on his love. Despite that inner voice that whispered yes to you everything is beautiful to make it real, you allowed him to enter your heart. But just when you trusted him completely, he started to show his other side.

You noticed it first little lies. You thought they weren't that important and that there was no reason to panic. But later you realized he was far from the man he claimed to be. When he saw that he was completely in control of you, he showed his true colors.

Yes, he really wasn't like other men

He was much worse. Lies were part of his character. He lied to you about everything, the little things as well as the big ones. He always tried to hide his true personality as he wanted to appear flawless. In fact, you realized that he was leading a double life.

He was the one who flew you cheated. It took you a long time to accept this harsh truth. Although you saw the signs that pointed to his deceptions, you ignored them for a long time. You may now think you were naive to believe him, but you felt you had no other choice. You loved him and believed that you couldn't live without him.

Photo: envato

Facing the truth

Despite how much you loved him, you knew that you can't take it anymore his lies and infidelities. You decided to stop turning a blind eye to the truth and pretending you didn't know about his deceptions. But this self-deception could not last forever.

You finally had to face the truth. You realized that he was never completely honest with you. You realized that he was just using you to boost his ego. All those women he presented as friends or colleagues were in fact his lovers. You knew he would do it all over again if he had the chance.

Photo: envato

The final blow

You also realized that his words "I love you" were empty. If you really love someone, you don't lie to them. He, however, was never brave enough to admit his mistakes, nor mature enough to take responsibility for his actions.

We all make mistakes, and if he was honest, I might forgive him a lot. But by lying to you, he took away your freedom of choice. He made decisions for you, underestimated your intelligence and thought you would never know the truth. His lies were not random, they were a conscious decision that you can never forgive.

Now you know he was never who he thought he was, and that's something you'll never forgive him for. You finally said I've had enough of your lies – gathered strength and left!

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