
Remarkable discovery: This is the fuel of the future, say scientists

Photo: PNNL

The day when sewage will no longer be sewage but brown gold is not far off. Scientists have discovered a revolutionary method that makes excrement one of the most potential fuels of the future.

The use of faeces for processing into fuel is by no means new. We introduced it to you two years ago the first bus that runs on poop (Bio Bus). But until now, mud has been considered an unsuitable ingredient because it is too wet and therefore too energy-consuming and expensive. But now they are scientists of the American state laboratory Pacific Northwest discovered a processing method that practically eliminates the need for drying.

We can now create in a few minutes what the earth takes millions of years to create

Namely, researchers have developed a way to convert sewage sludge into a crude oil-like substance by pumping it through pressure pipes. A technology called hydrothermal liquefaction, which mimics geological processes on Earth, with high pressure and high temperature, allows us to create in a few minutes what the Earth takes millions of years to create. The substance obtained by this process is similar to crude oil, with some admixtures of oxygen and water. Biofuel is then produced by the usual processing processes that are used to process crude oil.

Scientists estimate that the average American will generate 2 to 3 million biofuels per year (Shutterstock)
The future is in sewage, say scientists. (Shutterstock)

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The average American would 'create' 2 to 3 liters of biofuel per year

Scientists have calculated that US residents produce 128 billion gallons of sewage every day, which could generate 30 million barrels of biofuel per year. The average American would thus generate 2 to 3 liters of biofuel per year. The hydrothermal liquefaction process can also be used for agricultural sewage, the amount of which is by no means negligible. The popular phrase that 'the future is in shit' and 'I don't poop money' may soon take on a whole new meaning.

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