
James Nachtwey: Witness/Witness - exhibition at Cankarjev dom Gallery

The photography exhibition Priča/Witness will be hosted by Cankarjev dom from June 9 to August 18, 2015 in the gallery of Cankarjev dom, where the photographs of James Nachtwey, one of the most prominent war photographers of today, will be on display.

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from €3 to €5

James Nachtwey today it is considered to be the most prominent war photographer in the world, or as he puts it, an "anti-war photographer" who has been awarded by the American National Association of Photojournalists for the seventh year in a row presented the award for the best photojournalist of the year. Since 1981, when he started working as a photographer in Northern Ireland, he has covered all the major conflicts of the last two decades, most recently the Israeli-Palestinian one.
Nachtwey strives to give an impeccable testimony, while at the same time taking on the role of "speaker on behalf of the victims". He wants his images to "speak" for them, he wants them to his photos begged and lamented so that the pain and woe could be heard all the way from Mostar, Jenin and Jerusalem, so that the victims would not suffer another death due to the indifference of the media, which ignores or does not consider their bitterness.
Nachtwey is not just an image maker. Try to be fair in depicting what you see. His images express force because they are composed with precision and originality, which makes their message impossible to distort. We cannot even say that they are made in the desire to arouse sympathy. From the very beginning, Nachtwey remained steadfast in his mission to "declare war to war".

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During his visit to Ljubljana, the photographer will also give a lecture about his work, namely on Tuesday, June 9, at 6 p.m in the Kosovel hall of Cankarjev dom.
A selection of photographs from Chechnya, Iraq, Romania, South Africa and Somalia is prepared by the delegated curator. Alain Mingham.
The Witness photography exhibition will be hosted by Cankarjev dom from June 9 to August 18, 2015 in cooperation with the Photo Gallery and the SPP Institute for the Promotion of Photography in Ljubljana as part of the festival Slovenia Press Photo 2015.

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