
Japan without fossil-powered vehicles by 2035

The Japanese authorities have announced that they will ban the sale of new gasoline vehicles in less than 15 years. Currently, however, they plan to greatly increase the share of vehicles with low emissions.

Japan wants to ban the sale of new gasoline vehicles across 15 years. This government initiative is one step towards achieving this carbon neutrality by 2050. Japan could officially announce that target as early as next week, and in the interim it will heavily promote electric and hybrid vehicles with big tax breaks.

Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide announced in October that Japan would be by the year 2050 carbon neutral, as a result of which large companies will have to limit their carbon emissions. Activists and the UN have welcomed the move, but Japan remains heavily dependent on fossil fuels and the government has yet to provide an exact development plan on how to achieve this.

In the first phase, Japan will increase the share of low-emission vehicles sold to 50 to 70 percent by 2030. Now this share is already around 40 percent.

But Japan is not the only one. Recently, Great Britain has set itself an even more ambitious goal: to ban the sale of gasoline and diesel vehicles by 2030.

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