
Japanese Legend - Everyone Has a Soulmate: How to Find the Magical Thread of Love That Can't Be Broken

These are 7 signs that will help you identify the person with whom fate connects you!

Japanese legend says that there is an invisible thread of fate that connects two people who are destined to be together. They are connected regardless of time, place or circumstances.

This is what binds two soulmates together according to this Japanese legend.

1. Red color

This color is associated with attraction and desire. It is also the color of the fateful thread that, according to Japanese legend, connects two soulmates.

2. Origin

The red thread of fate comes from an ancient East Asian belief. According to this myth, the gods tie a red thread around the ankles of those who are destined to meet or help each other in a certain way.

3. Like a soul mate?

The concept is similar to the Western concept of "soul mate" or "twin flame". However, this legend focuses more on the concept of "attachment" to someone rather than finding the other half.

Red is the color of the fateful thread that, according to Japanese legend, connects two kindred souls.

4. Story

This legend is also woven into one story.

As the boy was walking around the house one night, he saw an old man reading a book. He asked him what he was reading. The old man said it was a marriage book and told the young man that he was destined to marry one girl. But when he showed the boy the girl he was supposed to marry, he didn't like the idea because he didn't want to get married. He threw a rock at her and ran away as fast as he could. Years later, the boy married one of the most beautiful girls in the village. When he got a good look at her, he noticed something unusual. His future wife had a small scar on her eyebrow. When he asked her how she got it, she told him that a boy threw a rock at her.

This story shows that it is impossible to escape fate.

5. Fate

Fate will take its course and eventually everything will fall into place. It is important not to fight against the red thread of fate.

6. Infinity

No matter how close or far you are from that person, the thread remains. Sometimes you will feel mentally or physically distant from the person you are meant for, but this does not affect the thread that binds you together.

7. Overcome all obstacles

If two people are made for each other, no obstacle can break the thread that binds them together. together they are stronger and more durable. "This magic thread can be stretched or twisted, but it will never break."

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