
Japanese trend: Shrunken furniture for cats

We recently introduced Ikea's new line of pet furniture, which many pet owners are sure to be delighted with. How happy our dwarf curls and American curlies are with their sofas is another question. Well, now we only got cat furniture.

Japanese city Okava, which is located in the Fukuoka region, is for the purpose of promoting the region in which the kar 150 furniture companies, supported campaign of the Okawa Kagu Artisan Association.

Campaign craftsman MADE it actually comprises the actual pieces of furniture that are 'shrunk' to a size suitable for cats. The seating set was made in-house Hiromatsu Furniture, and the bed in the studio Tateno Mokuzai.

If you are interested in any of the furniture pieces, you can contact the company directly and inquire about price and delivery.

The furniture is on display in Okawa Terazza, the tourist and exhibition center of the city. We can't predict how grateful your cats will be for your purchase, but the idea is certainly interesting.

Gallery - Japanese companies that make cat furniture

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