
Jazz Club Ljubljana Castle: Paper

The Papir ensemble is a rainbow of people who came together to simply make beautiful songs - songs that will mean something to this world and will delight it for a long time with their melodies and stories.

Important information
Rock Hall, Ljubljana Castle
Facebook event
Entrance fee
12,00 €

The world is made of thousands of colors and they are certainly among the most beautiful music and poetry. The landscapes that these two arts can paint together are the most beautiful things...

And more facts: playwright and poet Rok Vilčnik, once the leader of the music group Patetico, lately a lyricist, wove his poetry into the lucidly drawn musical landscapes of the composer Gregor Stermecki. To his pop creations, which vehemently walk between the influences of jazz, soul and blues and sometimes bring the seeds pure chanson, tailored a suitable arrangement dress Sebastian Duh, a jazz pianist who has already collaborated with many well-known names from the domestic and global jazz scene. The author's work of the aforementioned will be upgraded with their virtuosity by a group of excellent musicians: the drummer Bruno Domiter, permanent member of the Croatian HGM Jazz Orchestra, one of the best Slovenian bassists Tadej Kampl, guitarist and author Igor Bezget and the aforementioned Sebastijan Duh as keyboardist. She is the driving force of the band Ana Bezjak, music teacher and vocalist, one of Maribor's most prominent jazz performers, for now better known on jazz stages abroad than in the wider homeland.

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