
Is B-and-Bee: the honeycomb tent the new music festival hit?

Besides the cave, the camp is the most ancient form of home, which, unlike the stone version, still serves a similar purpose today. In fact, the tent has greatly expanded its activity and today is popular even at crowded music festivals such as Metalcamp, Rock Otočec, Schengenfest, etc. But just because it's as old as the earth doesn't mean it doesn't have room for improvement. One, the B-and-Bee, was invented by Belgian designers.

B-and-Bee did not follow the classic tent layout, as it expands earlier in height as a width, and the space is a kind of mixture of a hut and a tent in the shape of a giant honeycomb. Good thing they didn't bees as big as people, otherwise this one would shelters quickly exchanged for honeycomb.

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When visitors to multi-day festivals are served honey and milk, or honey and wine, or honey and beer, or...
When visitors to multi-day festivals are served honey and milk, or honey and wine, or honey and beer, or...

However, the fact that the product goes for honey, as this type of linen-wood 'hostel' immediately became wanted goods many festivals.

Compilers are hardworking as bees.
Compilers are hardworking as bees.

Double bed should ensure a fair rest, wooden construction but for safety and immunity to all stumbling and anything but graceful vapor-assisted movements.

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