
Jetwing: a jet-powered suit with a speed of 407 kilometers per hour!

A few days ago, Jetman Dubai tested the Jetwing jet suit in Dubai, whose capabilities are truly mind-blowing.

The day when a man can finally wear his own "Iron Man suit" is apparently getting closer. Of course, there is still a long way to go before that day, but even today, with new ideas, the limits of performance are moving. Suits that lift us off the ground with a jet engine and with which we can already fly already exist. But as perfect as it is Jetwing companies Jetman Dubai, it's not! Due to its performance, this had to resort to a design that added wings, since stability and aerodynamics are essential at the final speed that the suit reaches.

Four compact jet engines mounted under the wings can propel a person to breakneck speed of 407 km/h. Aviator Vince Reffet piloted the Jetwing at the launch in Dubai with an average speed of 240 km/h. Otherwise, the suit should have a Jetwing range of 50 kilometers, but it should remain in the air up to 13 minutes. The final height at which it can still fly is 6.1 kilometers. Undoubtedly, this suit is no slouch, but it will be interesting to see how useful it will be in the future. Will we be flying through the air in suits like the Jetwing instead of powered kites? Maybe not, because then the panoramic ride will be over too quickly.

Gallery: Jetman Dubai Jetwing

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