
Jewelry inspired by architecture and technology

Jewelry inspired by architecture and technology

We are endlessly impressed with the new modern jewelry from the shop Adorn Milk. This is jewelry inspired by architecture and technology!

Jewelry inspired by architecture and technology:


Japanese art and design studio Monocircus of founders Kazunori Takeishi and Lim Shing Ee produces not only 3D-printed fashion accessories, but is also actively involved in architectural and art-based projects.

Monocircus jewelry
Monocircus jewelry

Bande des Quatres

It is also an exceptional collection Bande des Quatres. It draws inspiration from typography with linear and graphic details based on the works of renowned printers.

Bande des Quatres jewelry
Bande des Quatres jewelry
Bande des Quatres jewelry
Bande des Quatres jewelry


Konzuk he strove to create jewelry that resembles wearable architecture more than ordinary fashion accessories. The collection is inspired by design elements, personal architectural and sculptural elements of Karen Konzuk. Minimalistic shapes, unique surface texture and unconventional materials define Konzuk's modernist aesthetic jewelry.

Konzuk jewelry
Konzuk jewelry
Konzuk jewelry
Konzuk jewelry

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The Good Machinery

At The Good Machinery unique jewelry is based on games with colors. All products are handmade in Italy.

The Good Machinery jewelry
The Good Machinery jewelry

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