
Jože Ciuha: Labyrinth of Time - a retrospective exhibition on the occasion of the artist's 90th birthday

Jože Ciuha: Labirint časa
Jože Ciuha: The Labyrinth of Time

Jože Ciuha: The Labyrinth of Time is a retrospective exhibition that will be on view in the Jakopič Gallery from the second half of December.

Important information
Jakopič Gallery
Facebook event
Entrance fee
The price of the workshops is 70 euros (the first workshop includes 4 meetings and the second includes 5 meetings). Visiting the exhibition is free.

The works of Slovenian fine artist Jože Ciuha, who will soon turn 90 years old, will be on display in the form of a retrospective exhibition until mid-April. They are preparing an overview catalog with the highlights of this author's long career and an emphasis on his influence on the development of Slovenian painting and art.

The exhibition revives the past and looks back, highlights highlights and reminds of the author's experience of the period of the second half of the 20th century. It presents an artistic opus from the middle of the last century, and the oldest work in the exhibition dates back to 1939. As they wrote in the presentation, the end of the exhibition remains undefined, unclosed, and they followed the author's life guideline that he would "paint his best picture yet".

At the same time, we should not forget the two art workshops that will take place in parallel with the performance, namely in the months of January and February, each in several dates. The first workshop is intended for those who are "a little afraid" of artistic creation, it is a workshop for beginners, entitled "I don't know how to draw". The second workshop is intended for those who dedicate their time to artistic creation. Together with the artist, participants will perform five basic exercises that lead to satisfactory results. Participants will learn about five ways, types of drawing: game, symbolic drawing, abstraction, observation, and expression and synthesis.

According to the organizers, the two workshops can be a mini tip for New Year's attention for all lovers of fine art.


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