
Shock! There is no such thing as love at first sight!

Love at first sight? Just a myth from romantic comedies!

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Photo: Pexels / Marcelo Changas
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Love at first sight - do you believe in it?! Have you ever watched a romantic comedy and thought, "Yes, of course, love at first sight. How very Hollywood!"? Well, maybe you were right. Love at first sight is like believing that a unicorn is your neighbor. Fun to imagine, but unlikely in reality.

Everything is so simple in movies. The two meet, a spark flies, and the next moment they are dancing through the streets of Paris. In real life? Love at first sight is more like, “Wow, this person has really nice shoes. I hope he's not a freak."

So why so many doubts? Because love at first sight is really more than lust at first sight. And lust? It's like that one first cup of coffee in the morning. Great feeling, but what if the effect wears off quickly.

Love is not like instant coffee. You can't prepare it in seconds. It's like a good old Turkish coffee drink that you have to brew, stir and wait for the sediment to settle to the bottom.

True love takes more than a good first impression. You need emotional intelligence, the ability to manage conflicts and of course – a good sense of humor. Because, let's face it, if you can't laugh together, that's a real problem.

So, the next time someone completely takes over at first glance, remember: this may just be the beginning. Or maybe you just need their coffee recipe. In any case, love is a journey, not a destination. And like any journey, it is full of unexpected turns, laughter and of course – love.

Love at first sight
Photo: Pexels / Ba Tik

Falling in love at first sight is a fascinating topic that has been the subject of much scientific research. Here is a scientific explanation of this phenomenon:

  • Biological aspect: When we first see someone we're attracted to, our body releases chemicals like dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin. These chemicals produce feelings of happiness, euphoria, and connectedness. Dopamine is associated with feelings of pleasure, and oxytocin is associated with connection and attachment. So when we say that we fell in love at first sight, it can mean that these chemicals have triggered a strong feeling of attraction and connection in the body.
  • Evolutionary aspect: Some scientists believe that our tendency to fall in love at first sight is linked to evolutionary mechanisms. In the past, a quick assessment of a potential mate was key to survival and reproduction. If someone looked healthy, strong and able to take care of offspring at first glance, this was a good sign for the continuation of the species.
  • Psychological aspect: Our subconscious can quickly judge whether someone is "our type" or not, based on previous experiences, values, patterns and expectations. This quick assessment can lead to a feeling of love at first sight. In addition, unconscious ideas about the ideal partner that have been formed over the years can affect how quickly we fall in love.
  • Visual aspect: Humans are visual creatures. Physical attractiveness plays an important role in choosing a partner. When we see someone and immediately rate them as attractive, a feeling of infatuation can be triggered. Research has shown that certain physical characteristics, such as a symmetrical face or certain body dimensions, can trigger feelings of attractiveness.
  • Neurological aspect: When we see someone we are attracted to, certain neural pathways are triggered in the brain. An area of the brain called the ventral tegmental area (VTA) produces dopamine, which it releases into various parts of the brain, causing feelings of pleasure and reward. This rapid neural activity can cause the feeling of being in love.


Of course, falling in love at first sight is a complex phenomenon that cannot be fully explained by science alone. However, scientific aspects offer us insight into how and why we can feel so quickly connected to someone we've just met.

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