
Shock! Men with this style of dressing are more likely to cheat!

This will surprise you!

Photo: Hugo

According to a recent study, a certain characteristic of clothing suggests that men who adore it are more prone to cheating.

Various studies time and time again show that there is a pattern of personality traits that unfaithful men are more likely to have. Some of them studies they suggest that their family background or even the color of their voice is important. American scientists have now found that the way a man dresses can also give information about how faithful he is. Introducing result of this study!

This "obvious" feature of clothes speaks of infidelity

The results of a study conducted by researchers at the University of Michigan and published in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin , show that men who wear big brand logos on their T-shirts are more likely to cheat. To arrive at this exciting conclusion, hundreds of students at the university were shown two different Ralph Lauren T-shirts: one with a very large logo and one with a more inconspicuous logo. Participants were then asked to reveal how they would rate the owners of the shirts in terms of character and loyalty. It found that men with large brand logos were more prone to cheating and were more interested in short-term sexual flings than long-term romantic relationships.

Is the assessment of the study participants really correct, or is the reputation of brand logos to blame? This could not be determined through investigation. The fact is and will of course remain that infidelity is always a personal decision that anyone can make and has nothing to do with looks.

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