
You only have to do one thing to keep your apartment tidy

Tidying up

You only need to do one thing to keep your apartment tidy. Everyone who is obsessed with order and cleanliness adheres to this like a drunkard. And that is …

You only have to do one thing to make it yours the apartment is always tidy. And that is, yes always put things away immediately or put it in its place. That is the first rule of tidying up, everything else is simply the result of neglecting this golden rule. Instead of moving things from one end to the other and leading them to the "goal" step by step, set them up from the ground up where they belong. This way, you will find everything much easier, because it will always be waiting for you where you need to be. Those who follow this rule always have a tidy apartment, and even unexpected guests cannot embarrass them.

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Put the clothes in their place and such scenes will be a thing of the past.
Put the clothes in their place and such scenes will be a thing of the past.

This tidying rule applies not only to putting things away as they are the keys (this way you will never stock them), books, mobile devices, dirty laundry, clothes …, but also during cooking. Clean up and wash immediately, as possible, and in the end you will not be greeted by a mountain of dishes from which you cannot see yourself.

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