
K4: Opening – the renewed Štirka enters the new season

K4 Opening 2016

K4 again invites you into its bosom. Štirka is returning to the new season renewed, when we were basking in the sun and sipping beer, machines were buzzing and colors were singing in the underground of Kersnikova 4 in Ljubljana. And what does K4 offer us besides freshly painted walls and rearranged rooms? The new season starts on September 16, 2016.

Important information
Kersnikova 4, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Four, run', we are ready! Club K4 returns to the scene. It enters the new season on September 16, 2016, completely renovated and refreshed. The equipment has been updated, the DJs have received new equipment booth, the number of bars has increased, there is a filtered smoking room available for smokers, even in terms of content, K4 will not drive anyone thirsty over water.

READ MORE: European Mobility Week 2016

And what can we expect at the opening of the new season Four? Old and new will gather in the heap circulate and kicked off the long-awaited start of the new season.

List of performers at the opening of the 2016/17 Klub K4 season, K4  Opening:

Small room:

  • Bakto
  • Freeverse vs. DVS
  • Massimo
  • Dirtyspeakerz
  • DJ Saraieva

Big room:

  • EB King vs. A wolf
  • Splinterhouse Vs. Levanael
  • Alex Ranerro vs. Evident
  • sim.
  • DEN7EL

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