
Karl Lagerfeld, Pharrell Williams and Cara Delevingne in a short film

"Reincarnation" is a new short film created and directed by Chanel's creative director Karl Lagerfeld that accompanies the Paris-Salzburg 2014/15 Métiers d'Art collection. It stars Chanel muse Cara Delevingne and pop star Pharrell Williams.

The short film was a great opportunity for Karl Lagerfeld, to develop artistic cooperation with Pharrell Williams, who is a close friend of the designer. In fact, the artist composed and wrote the lyrics for “CC The World,” the original music of the film, where he also played one of the leading roles, along with Cara Delevingne, the face of the upcoming campaign for Paris - Salzburg 2014/15 Métiers d'Art collection.

Chanel will present the Métiers d'Art 2014/15 Paris-Salzburg collection on this very day in Schloss Leopoldskron in Austria, one of the most beautiful Rococo palaces from the 18th century. If the film is anything to go by, only this one will be full of inspiration, having once tailored one of the most iconic pieces of clothing - Chanel tweed jacket.

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