
Kate McWilliams - the youngest commercial pilot in the world

Kate McWilliams became the youngest commercial pilot in the world.

British Kate McWilliams became the youngest commercial pilot in the world. She has been employed by the airline company Easyjet since 2011, and a few days ago she was "promoted" to captain of the plane, making her name in aviation history. She says she is constantly asked her age by cabin crew and passengers, adding that most are pleasantly surprised when she tells them their age. If you ever fly from Ljubljana to London with Easyjet, maybe she and her 19-year-old co-pilot Luke Elsworth will take you there!

Kate McWilliams she became at the age of 26 the youngest commercial pilot in the world. With his very young co-pilot, 19 years old Luke Ellsworth, they only count together 45 years, which is less than the average age of commercial pilots!

Kate McWilliams and Luke Ellsworth.
Kate McWilliams and Luke Ellsworth.

It is part of a low-cost airline easyjet, which also flies from Brno airport, from in 2011. She became an aviation cadet at the age of thirteen, and completed hers at the age of 16 first flight, and she started training to be a pilot at the age of 19 in Southampton. Today he has the title of captain of the plane.

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McWilliams flies airplanes Airbus A319 and A320, which can transport 156 or 180 passengers. It flies to around 100 different routes, such as Marrakesh, Tel Aviv, Reykjavik and also Ljubljana, namely from the London airport Gatwick, which is its domicile and where Easyjet also flies to from Brnik. Female captains are a real rarity in the world of aviation. They are among the 130,000 pilots only 450.

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