
Maintain mental health: Every woman dealing with stress should do this

Don't let stress destroy your mental and physical health.

There are many reasons why physical activity is good for your body – a healthy heart and keeping your joints flexible are just two of them. But did you know that physical activity is also beneficial for your mental health and well-being?

Physical activity strengthens psychophysical health, which improves the overall quality of life. According to the report London Mental Health Foundation mental disorders and physical activity are closely related. Research has shown that physical activity (such as walking or cycling) can help overcome stress, depression and anxiety, in a similar way to medication and counseling. The problem arises mainly among women because they are not physically active enough, as they take care of the children and the household. They don't take time for themselves and above all, they don't know how to face their problems.

At the Queen Mary Hostel for homeless women in London, they approached this problem holistically. They created pilot project to maintain mental health - cycling sessions for women, where experienced doctors strive to create a pleasant environment, because even small achievements and steps towards an independent life mean a big change for them, especially considering their past life. And cycling offers them all that. Changes. Adjustments. With it, they get the opportunity to increase their self-confidence and independence through learning to ride a bike.

Ride your bike!

Physical activity has great potential to improve your well-being. Even a short 10-minute brisk walk increases our mental alertness, energy and positive mood. Participating in regular physical activity can boost your self-confidence and reduce stress and anxiety.

How can you stay active every day without having to play sports?

1. A walk.
2. Avoid the elevator. Walk up the stairs.
3. Cleaning.
4. Use a basket instead of a shopping cart.
5. Park a little way from your destination and walk there.
6. Play with your pets.
7. Do not sit or lie down while talking on the phone, rather walk, clean, etc.
8. Set an alarm so you don't sit or work for too long. Take at least 2 minutes to stretch every hour.
9. Iron while watching TV.
10. Cycle to work, to the store, to meetings...

Find your own way of doing activities that you enjoy and stay active, for the sake of your mental and physical health.

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