
Kefirko - a Slovenian container for preparing homemade kefir on Kickstarter

We wouldn't be at a loss for words about kefir itself. Suffice it to say that it has healing powers. That's why we immediately move to the Kefirka, a multi-purpose glass container made in Slovenia, which really simplifies the preparation of homemade kefir. Since this fermented drink, bursting with healing properties, is best fresh, it is best to prepare it yourself. And what a bread machine is for baking bread, Kefirka is for making kefir.

Preparation of kefir they are not cat's tears without Kefir. The process requires precise calibration of the right ratio between the quantity of grains and liquid, ventilation, which is necessary for fermentation process, the matter must be precise strain, etc., and without the right equipment, mistakes lurk at every turn. With Kefir, specially formulated glass container with two functional lids, which provides optimal conditions for fermentation and the separation of grains from kefir, and you can't beat it. Your task is to shake them into any liquid kefir grains, you wait 24 hours (then fermentation takes place) and then just remove the grains.

The best taste and color of your choice for everyone.
The best taste and color of your choice for everyone.

Although in appearance it only acts as a container delineated with marks like door jambs, where parents monitor the growth of children over the years, each part has its own purpose, with a common goal keep the original taste and freshness kefir. Sealing cover it ensures the flow of air and prevents the ingress of dirt, and it is also a measure for the amount of grains and bases. The second cover is sieve, who cares that it is separating grains from kefir simple (just pour the kefir) and for the sake of the special outer edge, it is also "simple" to pour into a glass. Concave shapes the container is there for convenient use, and the labels are there for dosing.

Kefir, the elixir of life.
Kefir, the elixir of life.

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After Kefirka, we go to the platform Kickstarter, and fresh kefir grains portal kefirhood.com, where you can get or give away the excess of this active culture ("sharing is caring"). Of course, this is not the only source, but it is a good place to start. And why have homemade kefir at all, if they are sales shelves full? Because it contains a lot several active cultures, which is without preservatives (so it is healthier) and because it is of verified quality.

"Sharing is caring" or in Slovenian: "Let's share and live better."
"Sharing is caring" or in Slovenian: "Let's share and live better."

Until December 5 so on Kickstarter, Kefirko collects the necessary funds, and they stand behind it Marko Borko, Andrej Glažar and Niko Klanšek, and their idea already has almost 500 supporters.

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