Keurig has reinvented your 'weak spot' with the Keurig Drinkworks home bar, which makes cocktails, beer and wine without any bartending skills required. Just one touch of the button and the thing is ready.
Keurig Drinkworks is similar matter like coffee machines, where all the drink is 'squeezed' into a capsule, and the device changes the contents to a drink. We choose a margarita, mojito, Moscow mule or something else from the range of available drinks, and then the machine does its thing.
Since the capsules contain alcohol, dyes and flavors, the device adds water and bubbles (carbon dioxide) and cools the cocktail to a suitable temperature or mixes the ingredients properly and pours them into a glass.
In addition, there is also an application, whose main purpose is to understand the operation of the barman robot, ordering additional capsules or simple acquiring additional knowledge in the field of mixing alcoholic beverages.
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