
Kit Kat sushi - chocolate wafers with sushi flavor

Kit Kat suši

Kit Kit celebrated the opening of a specialty store in Japan by producing limited edition Kit Kat sushi wafers. This is based on the classic specialty of Japanese cuisine. There will be three versions, modeled on tuna, egg and sea urchin rolls.

Nestlé v japonski prestolnici Tokyo odpira specializirano trgovino Kit Kat Speciality Store in bo ob tej priložnosti tamkajšnjim kupcem ponudil omejeno serijo treh različnih čokoladic Kit Kat sushi. Za posamezno specialiteto bo treba odšteti 3000 japonskih jenov, kar je 25 euros.

READ MORE: What is a Kit Kat really made of?

To je drugič, da je Kit Kat napovedal suši različico svojih čokoladic, če upoštevamo tisto za 1. april, le da tokrat ne gre za šalo. Čokoladice bodo na voljo zgolj med 2. in 4. februarjem 2017.

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