
Kitula & Via Ofenziva – Esad Babačić's latest collection of poems and a concert by the group Via Ofenziva

Esad Babačić, Slovenian singer, poet, writer, songwriter and journalist, will present his new poetry collection Kitula in Stari mestna Elektrarna, and on this occasion he will also perform with his band Via Ofenziva, which has released a new CD. The entrance fee to the event is a book.

Important information
Old City Power Station, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
the entrance fee is a book

Esad Babačić, singer, poet, writer, songwriter and journalist, is one of the rare Slovenians who, in the prevailing monocultural situation, did not camouflage his origin by changing ć to č, but has persistently highlighted his bicultural nature in interviews and documentaries for the last twenty-five years. He will present his own in the Stari mestna Elektrarna a new poetry collection by Kitula and on this occasion also performed with his group Via Offensive.

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Everyone who will buy a poetry collection at the entrance to Stara elektrarna Kitula, will experience the band's concert Via Offensive, which will be on this day also released her "first" real record (White Flowers), with more than half new tracks. Given that pieces with slightly stronger messages and their own sound will probably not be played very much on our radio stations, we invite all lovers of new wave and engaged expression to come to the scene of the crime.

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More information:
bunker.si and esadbabacic.si

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