
Do you know what you are according to the Indian horoscope? Find the trait that defines you!

According to the Indian horoscope, we all have one characteristic that defines us!

Vedic astrology (Indian or Hindu astrology) originates from ancient India, and various sages wrote about it in the Vedic scriptures. Also known as “jyotish” – the science of light – Vedic astrology studies the astral patterns of light, which are believed to determine our destiny.

The basic principle of Vedic astrology is that all things are connected. Your karma or e.g. wealth is determined by a predetermined cosmic design. You are a soul reincarnated in a body at a specific time and place, and your life is a reflection of the greater whole into which you were born.

The basic principle of Vedic astrology is that all things are connected.
The basic principle of Vedic astrology is that all things are connected.

In "jyotish" the main thing is yours map (birth or natal, your time and place of birth). Vedic astrologers are said to have read from it thus your personality, as well as life events and opportunities – both good and bad. Also on this chart are the dashas ("state of being"), which are believed to largely reflect our being. The dash system is supposed to indicate which of the dashes was the most active at the time of a certain event. That dasha is said to take over the mind of a person and force him to act in accordance with its nature.

Let's see what your sign is in the Indian horoscope and what is your main characteristic!

Mithuna (corresponds to Gemini and Cancer, June 15 to July 16): humor

You are a sign that can make absolutely everything questionable and everyone has to adapt to you and your opposites. Your mind is working at a hundred per hour, and your ability to adapt is endless. Your greatest asset is humor, and you usually use it when you want to seduce someone!

Cancer (corresponds to Cancer and Leo, July 16 to August 17): sensitivity

This sign is ruled by the Moon, which makes it sensitive and mysterious. You are tied to your roots, and family is most important to you. You also choose your friends very carefully. You are afraid of being abandoned, especially by your partner. In love, however, you are very intuitive.

Simha (corresponds to Leo and Virgo, August 17 to September 17): Intransigence

You love luxury and pleasure. You are stubborn and quick to react to others, but it is true that you are also very loyal. You never give up and hang on long enough to win. You are proud and do not tolerate indifference. Also, don't give up until you win your loved one. You are charming.

People born under the simha sign are unyielding.
People born under the simha sign are unyielding.

Kanya (corresponds to Virgo and Libra, September 17 to October 17): Follow your mission

You are strict and incredibly organized. You are always punctual and follow the set mission. You are very sensitive and do not tolerate betrayal. You believe that a life together should be crowned with a marriage that has led to fidelity in a partnership relationship.

Tula (corresponds to Libra and Scorpio, October 17 to November 16): attachment

You are very sociable, always surrounded by friends. Tula is a symbol of attachment, so you don't tolerate separations well, whatever they are. You are very human and sometimes you don't see the traps set for you by those who only want a few pleasant moments or benefits from you.

Vrscika (corresponds to Scorpio and Sagittarius, November 16 to December 16): like a water current

Your sign is ruled by the god Shiva, who destroys in order to rebuild. Like a stream of water, you are constantly in motion, but no one really knows the depth of your soul. You appear arrogant, but you are actually very humble.

Dhanusa (corresponds to Sagittarius and Capricorn, December 16 to January 14): Optimism

You are optimistic and full of childlike enthusiasm, believing that you are destined for the best. While this is very good for you, it can often make life difficult for the people around you. When it comes to money, you are willing to take risks, but in love, you strive to be admired by others, and you are also attracted to different people.

Optimism applies to Dhanusa.
Optimism applies to Dhanusa.

Makara (corresponds to Capricorn and Aquarius, January 14 to February 13): a symbol of effort

Nothing is left to chance with you, but you always have to go through a difficult phase before you succeed. You matured quickly. When you really grew up, you relaxed a bit, but only when you were financially secure. You are confident in love, but often too strict.

Kumbha (corresponds to Aquarius and Pisces, February 13 to March 14): freedom

You strongly respect your own and other people's freedom, so you expect people to treat you similarly. In reality, you are a rather conservative person who has created a circle of friends around you who are your shelter from life's dangers. You are curious, but also shy.

Mina (corresponds to Pisces and Aries, March 14 to April 14): restraint

Your creative talent needs to be expressed. Behind the "facade" of reticence is pride, and although you will not be the first to approach others, somehow you always attract them to approach you. Love nourishes you, and if you have a partner who encourages you, you will use all your strengths to succeed in life!

Meat (corresponds to Aries and Taurus, April 14 to May 15): ambition

Strong mental strength helps you to successfully achieve all your goals, be ambitious and never give up. A strong sense of initiative often 'pushes' you into the ranks of leaders. You are also attracted to everything that has a shine, so you often 'fall' for new trends.

Mesa is characterized by ambition.
Mesa is characterized by ambition.

Vrsabha (corresponds to Taurus and Gemini, May 15 to June 15): big heart

This is a sign of communicativeness and the art of public expression. You do not like carelessness and superficiality. Your loved ones are the most important to you, you are careful in your relationships with others. You're not the biggest fan of intimacy until you've built up a solid trust.

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